There are very few people that know everything there is to know about the Microsoft Office product suite. We’ve found 4 things about Office we found interesting, read more about it below.
1. Microsoft Office 365 Is Microsoft’s Fastest Growing Product Line
This is good news for Microsoft and great news for users of the 365 product line.
If you’re on board with this product you can be at ease knowing its continued growth and take up means that you’re going to enjoy continued support from Microsoft on the product and that there’s not that many people out there still using Word 97, phew.
2. There’s A Ton Of Language Packs Available
These are cool language packs that translate commonly used features of Microsoft Office or Windows into another language! For example, Microsoft Office in Canada has both French and English languages, there’s even one for our Maori friends in New Zealand!
3. There’s A Handy Tool For Mathematics
You don’t have to be a master of mathematics to use the Microsoft Mathematics Add-on for Word and OneNote, this lovely tool is free and helps you out with 2d and 3d plot graphing and solving equations and algebraic expressions!
This could be handy for users who often alt-tab to a calculator (or have a physical one taking up desk space!)
4. There Was A Terrifying Time Pre-1993 Where We Had No Auto-Correct Feature
It must’ve been a fairly time intensive job to computer users having to correct their own spelling mistakes and typos. With Microsoft Word 6.0 the beloved auto-correct feature came into play and helped Word users find and correct their spelling mistakes and the press of a button (F7 is the shortcut for this, hit it!)
It’s worth noting that by 1994 Microsoft Word had gathered up a 90% share of the word processing market, funny that.