Category: Blog

Transform Your Business with Business Process Automation: Insights from Devsoft

At Devsoft, we understand the immense impact that Business Process Automation (BPA) can have on a company’s efficiency and productivity. With over a decade of experience in delivering top-notch Microsoft...

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How To Use IT To Your Advantage

Creating a technologically competitive business will give you an advantage over your competition that are lagging behind in IT. While growth in IT is constant and rapid there’s always a chance...

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4 Things You Didn’t Know About Microsoft Office

There are very few people that know everything there is to know about the Microsoft Office product suite.  We’ve found 4 things about Office we found interesting, read more about...

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How To Make Disaster Recovery Part Of Your Business

“The monkeys are coming!” No, it’s not another Planet of the Apes movie. But in June, a monkey caused a nationwide power outage in Kenya. For hours, millions of businesses...

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5 Reasons Office 365 is More Secure than Your Data Center

One of the biggest concerns that all businesses face is the security of sensitive information. Traditionally, critical data was stored on floppy disks (remember those?) and filed away. These days,...

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